This blog post steps through the implementation procedures on adding authentication features for an Ember Single-Page-Application (SPA). We makes use of ember-cli-simple-auth/ember-cli-simple-auth-token addons for providing authentication functionality. As a result, we will be able to call Sails.js RESTful authorisation service using JSON Web Token (JWT).
Note! Below implementation was tested on the following versions of software:
Note! Below implementation was tested on the following versions of software:
- Ember-cli: 0.1.4
- Node.js: 0.10.35
- NPM: 2.1.10
- Sails: 0.10.5
- PostgreSQL: 9.3.5
Step A: Setup a Sails.js RESTful authorisation service
In-order to create a new Sails.js project that implements the authorisation service, we run the below commands:
$ sails new jwt_authservice
$ cd jwt_authservice
$ sails lift --verbose
$ npm install sails-postgresql
Now, carry-out the following customisation for the above generated project:
1. Modify PORT address from the default to 1338, in the following file '/config/local.js' as shown below:
port: process.env.PORT || 1338,
2. Now, enable CORS on all routes in the file ‘/config/cors.js’ as follows (Note: This will enable cross-site calls):
allRoutes: true,
3. Now, setup a dedicated Postgresql database for persisting user authorisation dataset
Create a new PostgreSQL database with the following name => 'userauthoriser_db'
4. Now, bind the above created postgreSQL db within your project:
a. Configure the type of database in use in the file ‘/config/models.js’ as shown below:
connection: 'postgresqlServer',
migrate: 'alter'
//migrate: 'safe'
b. Configure the postgreSQL db credintials in the file ‘/config/connections.js’ as shown below:
postgresqlServer: {
adapter: 'sails-postgresql',
host: 'localhost',
user: 'postgres',
password: 'carpenter',
database: 'userauthoriser_trademaker'
5. Now, install 'Waterlock' generator for your Sails.js project. This 'Waterlock' toolchain adds the capability to generate user authentication service via JWT. So, run the below commands:
$ npm install --save-dev waterlock
$ npm install waterlock-local-auth --python=python2.7
$ ./node_modules/.bin/waterlock generate all
Below files will be generated automatically:
info: generating .../jwt_authservice/api/models/Attempt.js
info: generating .../jwt_authservice/api/models/Auth.js
info: generating .../jwt_authservice/api/models/Jwt.js
info: generating .../jwt_authservice/api/models/Use.js
info: generating .../jwt_authservice/api/models/User.js
info: generating .../jwt_authservice/api/models/ResetToken.js
info: generating .../jwt_authservice/api/controllers/AuthController.js
info: generating .../jwt_authservice/api/controllers/UserController.js
info: generating .../jwt_authservice/config/waterlock.js
info: generating .../jwt_authservice/api/policies/hasJsonWebToken.js
info: generating .../jwt_authservice/views/email.jade
6. Now, once again modify all the PORT addresses that occur from default to 1338 in the following file '/config/waterlock.js'.
7. Now, your are ready to lift the sails server, run the below command:
$ sails console
Optional step: Peak into the dataset created by this Sails.js app, i.e. look up all users/auths:
Step B: Implement authentication in your Ember-cli project
1. Install Ember-addon => 'ember-cli-simple-auth'
$ npm install --save-dev ember-cli-simple-auth
$ ember generate ember-cli-simple-auth
2. Install Ember-addon => 'ember-cli-simple-auth-token'
$ npm install --save-dev ember-cli-simple-auth-token
$ ember generate simple-auth-token
$ bower install
Recommed JWT setup for communicating with Sails.js RESTful authorisation service is as follows:
Modify the file 'config/environment.js' as shown below:
// The Authorizer
ENV['simple-auth'] = {
authorizer: 'simple-auth-authorizer:token',
crossOriginWhitelist: ['http://localhost:1338']
// Sailsjs JSON Web Token (JWT) Configuration
ENV['simple-auth-token'] = {
serverTokenEndpoint: 'http://localhost:1338/auth/login',
authorizationPrefix: 'JWT ',
tokenPropertyName: 'token',
authorizationHeaderName: 'X-Auth',
identificationField: 'email'
- Sails.js related:
- Getting Started with Waterlock (Video Tutorial)